This manipulation of attached methods could also be wrapped in a function factory as before, deferring the final decision until runtime. 这种对附加方法的操作也可以像之前一样打包到一个函数工厂中,这将使最终决策延迟到运行时。
Or, you call some function that was in the middle of the manipulation of the global data structure and you call the same function from the signal handler. 或者,调用了正在处理全局数据结构的某个函数,而在信号处理器中又调用了同一个函数。
Manipulation treatment could also improve patients cognitive function. 同时手法康复可明显改善患者的认知功能。
However, former methods used in confirming articulator parameters and jaws relationship transferring have different problems because of low precision or inconvenient manipulation, moreover, the function of mandible movement simulating by mechanical articulator is limited. 但是以往确定牙合架参数及转移颌位关系的方法存在不同程度的精确度低、操作繁琐的问题,而且用机械牙合架模拟下颌运动的功能也有限。
The Integration of USB Interface Module on STB and the Implementation of File Manipulation Function USB接口模块在机顶盒中的集成和文件操作函数的实现
The software of the computer provides the manipulation interface and the database, controlling the microcontroller to realize the detecting process via the USB, and fulfill the function of displaying the waveform, disposing the data, analyzing the result etc. PC端的应用软件提供操作界面和数据库管理等功能,通过USB接口控制下位机实现检测过程,并对数据进行显示、存储和分析。
As for auto-focusing system, image manipulation is critical preparation, and choosing focusing function is the core technology. 图像处理是自动聚焦前必需完成的重要工作,而调焦函数的选取是自动聚焦的关键技术。
Problems and Handling in Character String Manipulation with Scanf() Function 函数scanf()对字符串操作遇到的问题及处理
Conclusion the neighbour digital volar flap have some advantages, such as simple manipulation and usually obtained satisfactory function in repairing the dorsal skin in and vein defect in finger 结论邻指掌侧皮瓣移植在手指背侧皮肤和静脉缺损的断指再植中应用,具有手术简便,效果良好等优点
A preliminary exploration of relationship among mechanism of injury, fixation and biomechanics was done on 36 cases of extensive ulnar deviation type of low site supracondylar fracture of humerus. They were treated with tradition manipulation plus Chinese herb therapy to maintain better recovery of elbow function. 对36例伸直尺偏型低位肱骨髁上骨折的创伤机制和固定与生物力学关系进行初步探讨,并运用传统手法加中药治疗,促使肘关节功能恢复良好,无肘内翻32例,占88.9%。
Conclusion The experimental endocardium injection catheter can be used in experimental study with its convenient manipulation. The transplanted MSCs locate definitely, expressed markers of myocardium phenotype result in the heart function improved significantly. 结论实验用注射导管可以完成细胞的心内膜移植,移植的MSCs体内定位明确,移植后心功能改善,并有心肌相关蛋白的表达。
[ Conclusion] The abnormal express of SP and CCK were probable one of etiological factor of IBS. The manipulation of Rubbing abdomen may be regulate the function of SP and CCK in colon tissue of IBS. [结论]结肠SP和VIP表达异常可能是IBS的致病因素之一,摩腹法可以通过调节局部肠道SP和VIP的功能来治疗IBS。
In order to use the function of this ANN model more applicably and more conveniently, the visual manipulation platform of simulating and forecasting ANN model with powerful function and friendly interface is projected. 为了能够提高预测模型的适用性和可视化操作水平,开发了功能较强、界面友好的人工神经网络预测模型可视化操作平台,从而使模型的可操作性更强。
With its control strategy which could be used in manufacture, the softwares of system had advantage of simple manipulation, flexible function, good ability of migrating and extending. 系统的控制软件操作简便,功能灵活,移植性强,扩展性好,其控制策略可用于组培生产。
In addition, matrix manipulation function as consistent with C++ computer language was provided. 另外,本文给出了相应的C++语言的矩阵变换函数。
Based on investigation of many projects 'implementation and operation practice, changes of operational monitoring and manipulation for the electric system have been analysed in detail, and concrete counter-measures emphasized on perfection of its safe operation function being put forward. 依据对多个工程实施和运行实践的调研,详细分析了电气系统运行监视和操作的变化,重点就完善其安全运行功能提出了具体措施。
The original optimization prob-lem is usually non-convex, however, after some manipulation on the optimization variables, objective function as well as the constraint, it can be converted into con-vex form. 即使原问题不是凸问题,但是通过对优化变量,目标函数和约束条件的处理操作,我们往往能将其变为凸形式。
Manipulation on the structure and function of self-assembly materials since becomes an important topic. 调控自组装材料的结构和功能随之成为一个重要的课题。
In the combination of the use of manipulation, the rubbing method, handle method, rolling method, extrapolation method, shaking method of treatment is desirable, the combination of better muscle pain relief, improvement of muscle morphology and function. 在所运用的推拿手法组合中,揉法、拿捏法、滚法、推法、抖法的治疗方案最为理想,该组合能更好的缓解肌肉疼痛,改善肌肉形态和功能。
The manipulation of rumen fermentation, antioxidation and immune function in cashmere goats by adding yeast culture was studied in this thesis. 本论文全面系统地进行了在日粮中添加酵母培养物对绒山羊瘤胃发酵和机体抗氧化能力及免疫功能调控作用的研究。
There are two means to achieve Message Authentication: Manipulation Detection Code, which is often called Hash function, and Message Authentication Code. 实现消息认证的技术一般有两种:探测处理码(习惯上被称作Hash函数)和消息认证码。
The paradigms of congestive heart failure treatment has shifted from pharmacological manipulation of hemodynamics to a strategy for protecting the heart from biological harm. This reparable strategy is based on such concepts that the failing myocyte accompanied with intrinsic defects in structure and function could be improved biologically. 充血性心力衰竭修复性治疗策略的立论基础是:慢性衰竭心脏结构功能的内源性缺陷可以有真正的生物学的改善。